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Group of TCL of Guangzhou daily dispatch did not come or will be the color television manufacturer with familiar consumer no longer, and turn into of business of a face plate appear on the market 9735 companies. On December 8 TCL group (000100) announcement, plan to accuse a 202909 TCL that sell a hold to TCL111056 the 65748 equity of2018上海哪里有油压 2806279 9735 companies such as home appliance of city of industrial, benefit, Hefei home appliance, aggregate evaluate 4.76 billion yuan; 202909 sell the intelligent terminal business such as consumptive electron, home appliance and business of relevant form a complete set, the company after selling shows focusing semiconductor reach data business. And as a result of this second闵行桑拿网 major asset sells trade the other side is TCL industrial 111056 accuse an Inc. , this company fact controls person and partner is TCL group appears president Li Dongsheng inside tall 上海闵行哪有荤场KTV?canal group. Doubt trades this or investor has low to sell asset gives tall canal the suspicion of the group. Sell asset includes numerous earn money business announcement shows, these 2806279 companies that sell are respectively: Home appliance of city of equity of TCL in上海水磨海选 安全吗dustrial 100.00%65748, benefit home appliance of 1上海油压店是不是严打00.00% equity, Hefei friendly science and technology of 100.00% equity, cruel business affairs of news of 55.00% equity, guest 100.00% equity, case starts garden of industry of 100.00% equity, TCL Dong Zhi 36.00% equity and through wholy-owned subsidiary TCL gold accuses indirect hold. In 3 quarterly reports, vest in of TCL group implementation appears on the 上海龙凤网工作室market of company shareholder buckle blame net profit 1.59 billion yuan, grow 45.6% compared to the same period. For this, TCL group still grows outstanding阿拉爱上海发廊论坛 achievement compared to the same period is attributed to the partial business that sells this, mention profit of intelligent terminal business to stabilize growth among them, client of TCL electron key and channel extend effect remarkable, key area outstanding achievement achieves rapid growth, TCL communication is decreased considerably compared to the same period deficient, become in 3 quarters implementation quarterly profit, TV product sales volume 21.48 million, grow 30.4% compared to the same period. Trade to just be in charge of group company it is reported high to show, this major asset sell上海水磨微信s trade the other side is TCL industrial accuse an Inc. , public data shows, TCL accuses held water on September百凤阁论坛入口 17, 2018, 阿拉爱上海 同城对对碰register capital 100 million yuan, have not begin to run an activity actually. Express inside course of study, from register time to look, TCL accuses establish or be make TCL group relevant to suffer asset and come. According to media coverage, TCL accuses president is Li Dongsheng of TCL group president; General manager is azalea, it is official of TCL group executive director, presiding operation; Inspect issue is senior for Huang Wei, hold the post of TCL group to carry out trustee, senior vice president. TCL accuses a the biggest partner2019上海油压店 to amount to a day to invest limited company into equity for Hui Zhouli, hold a scale to静安洲际 spa amount to 99.99% , and the big上海干磨店地址gest partner that Hui Zhouli amounts to also is Lidongsheng, oppose a scale上海ktv荤场节目 for 51% , the TCL group Dong Jian such as azalea, Wang Cheng, Huang Wei, Huang Xubin still includes in its partner expensive personnel. Investor sound: Sell asset is underestimated it is reported, in recent years TCL group accelerates distribution of face plate business, express when will accept orgnaization survey November in recent years, the 6th acting LTPS-AMOLED is flexible product line – T4 project will try at illuming first half of the year 2019 produce, in the meantime, china star photoelectricity is built in Wuhan have lines of 4.5 test of AMOLED of Dai Rou sex, already produced for T4 fast quantity make reserve of technology of good early days. But trade to this, many investor express the asset value that offers this to be underestimated. The capital fund that investor says TCL group plans to sell is in to appear on the market the company contributed the battalion tha上海怎么找干磨的地方t exceeds an in part to close 2017, and the evidence that presents to had been faced completely, and the semiconductor that the company drafts focusing shows the industry appeared 2018 the price jumps