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Grind according to Shanghai major key: The problem directs is an important survey method. Recently, general Tuo area pays close attention to problem of a the people’s livelihood. Crossing river path greatly 690 lane, one has 90 3 buildings, population only confuse your village — division is old 3 villages. This village was built 1981, belong to at that time fine commune of the long march that decide a county 4 in group, property uses the land centrally for the farmer, although the ground is in,grow wind new residential quarter now inside street area under administration,爱上海419龙凤后花园 but belong to long march to press down 4 in village. And as a result of historical reason, this land did not deal 上海外滩桑拿联系电话with any examination at that time formalities, because do not accord with policy requirement, also register formalities without land of manage of deal with according to law up to now, accordingly, the villager cannot handle card of building property right all the time. According to introducing, because the house here ever had undertaken heavying repair 1988, the bu阿拉爱上海验证浦东ilding builds 5 from 4. Experienced ablution of three years of harships, was put in safe hidden trouble by discovery 2014, the building has colla秘舍spa静安微信pse risk. And get this year first half of the year orbit traffic the influence水磨干磨会所介绍 全套 of 15 lines construction, the safe hidden danger tha上海江桥男士spa排行t the building already was originally is more serious. Besides old old disrepair, outside producing evidence, the village also does not have property management all the time for years, conduit ageing, rain safety of seeper, discrepancy, it is the problem that the dweller worries about. In recent years, the desire that the dweller is tr宝山罗店有水疗馆吗ansformed to the building and card of buildi上海最新龙凤推油论坛ng property right deals with is increasingly urgent. How to face such a hard nut to crack to do? After the situation that understands this village, area appoint, district government height takes seriously上海水磨娱乐会所2018, ask departmental door combs historical bequeath problem in detail, begin爱上海同城论坛 上海高档桑拿会所 survey seriously, take out a solution, cogent solve dangerous house problem. Combine what near future theme teachs to begin, area appoint hold special subject meeting, take the lead each are relevant branch, made clear 4 act to solve these difficult problem that puzzle dweller for a long time. Acc上海ktv荤场服务项目ording to the initial program that professional branch offers, division is old 3 villages village will be adopted ” tear open be born ” means solves a building to transform a problem thoroughly. On one hand, reserve is brought into after by district government will former plot is collected, tear open formerly build formerly, let ” old house becomes new building ” . On the other 上海哪里有洋马可以骑hand, in 上海水磨工作室价位fulfil level, should do good dweller change actively to go out, the generation in the area is built, the dweller is answered move wait for each job. Current, transform project working group to had held water, already began to contrast room of every dweller family undertake calculating, after calculating an end, will roll out as soon as possible transform program, abide by 100% agree with plan, 100% autographs to make an appointment wit2019上海最新夜上海论坛h, 100% removing principles2018上海推油都关了, want to the dweller does not agree only, with respect to nonperformance plan. The plan has been made, responsibility is clear already also. By area country endowment appoint company of subordinate2松江老城桑拿019最新上海419龙凤 long wind develops main body to take the land as this plot, be in ” solution of blame resettlement, blame is tired ” below the principle, be in charge of doing building of good the place to tear open be born, former address to build wait for relevant job, implement executive plan as soon as possible, the branch such上海贵族宝贝燕春楼 as bureau of bureau of region house canal, area program resource will be mixed with guidance cooperate. Town of street, long march will make long wind new residential quarter actively good masses works, synchronism begins opinion consult, achieve 3 goals of 100% as soon as possible, strong and orderly cooperate follow-up construction construction. Area hair changes appoint, bureau of bureau of area program resource, region house canal, area builds a canal appoint wait for function branch to will catch condominium 阿拉爱上海同城 aishtogether to form resultant force, strengthen as harmonious as the communicati松江新城文诚路spaon that the section concerns in city, active linkage, clutch do good land to collect, close store, program, sell one’s own things, project approving, project is examined and approve, produce card to deal with wait for relevant job, ensure succeeding activity in an orderly way. The eye looks at him appeal to beg be taken seriously by government sector height and had practical solution, looked forward to old division big 3 villages dweller is very excited. And their difficult settlement, also not be an exemple. Next, general Tuo area will continue hold to a party to build lead, it is difficult that oriented, assault fortified positions overcomes the problem, hold to ” change ” the word is perforative from beginning to end, begin investigation and study deep, straight face is contradictory, play urges the drive of nail, exert oneself solves dweller masses to speak worry, irritated worry, hold tight a load on one’s mind. In the meantime, whole thrust transforms the job into the old housing whole set that having, let common people not only ” the person that reside has its house ” , can come true more ” the person that reside has actor