
Early now, industry of the movie in A releases announcement to say, will to Alibaba with every 1.25 HK dollar the group issues 1 billion new, issue through this stock raise money amount amounts to 1.25 billion HK dollar. Prepare market fund to basically be used at content investment, farther enlarge client base, sale and market promotion activity to wait. Trade after finishing, the Babaji in A is round hold a scale to will come by 49% promotion 50.92上海南桥哪上海贵族宝贝论坛有荤场子% , will realize essence to control to industry of the movie in A, own most seat in board of directors of 上海后花园桑拿论坛industry of the movie in A. Current, member of directorate of industry of the movie in A includes Pan great distance, Zhang Wei, Yu Yongfu, Shao Xiaofeng, Song Lixin, among them, pan gr上海虹口区十大油压店eat distance, Yu Yongfu, 上海闵行区水磨Shao Xiaofeng is Alibaba copartner. Notable is, this year big entertainment of Alibaba board piece greet adjust period. On December 4, big entertainment group releases an information in A: Fencing great distance of president of industry of the movie in A will hold actor cruel president part-time; The basis is informed against, former pre上海高级桑拿会所哪家好sident Yang Wei east because of economi松江新城文诚路spac problem, cooperating police investigation. After two days, fencing great distance issues in-house l上海虹口油压会所推荐etter, express to actor or actress cruel near future will undertake comprehensive i上海宝山水磨会所全套nterior is rectified, in虹口一米阳光spa电话 the meantime, he also empha阿拉爱上海 验证贴sizes, be opposite in A big entertainment, right actor cruel, dev上海青浦区水疗oted to content industry determination, confidence, patience won’t be changed. ? Network of operation business 静安铂尔曼水疗world — TMT industry is fa天津水磨拉丝按摩mous Xin Rui media, of a dedicated communication, In足浴为什么先口吹后做ternet, home appliance, mobile phone, number achieve information website formerly.