In coming to promote fraud, the crimina上海闵行区南美水疗l is aimed at normally from, emeritus the senile consumer that is in the home. The Li Da’s Mom that lives in area length peace is unfortunate ” wore pa上海藏凤阁论坛th ” . This year in January, a new man comes to home of Li Da’s Mom, promote warning apparatus of guard against theft to her. He claims th闵行南美水疗三楼价格e community that is street accre上海千花论坛ditation serves personnel, there still is pectoral card on the dres上海莞式桑拿水磨会所s, look normal and au上海夜场订房找谁thentic. The man tells Li Da Mom, the warning apparatus of guard against theft that he prom上海私人水磨会所预约otes can involve couplet network with public security machine, thief can call the police automatically into the room. “He says warning apparatus cost price is 1800 yuan, I need to pay 100 yuan service cost and 500 yuan deposit only as 阿拉爱上海同城对对碰 shlfpilot user, cash pledge 上海油压店哪里漂亮can back down in a month I. He still says whole in the future village wants t上海南桥哪有荤场子o install, press to moment year collect fees more expensive. After I listened, feel very be to one’上海贵族宝贝发廊论坛s profit, 上海红松路北海道spabe bought. ” after the event, li Da’s Mom to house appoint can seek testimony, be informed and do not have this matter. She comes home at once the calling card that turns over that man to stay, the telephone num上海徐汇spa会所ber that discovers the other side is spacing, this ability knows he was deceived. Public security mechanis上海虹口区附近油压 m receives Li Da’s Mom after reporting a case to th嘉定全身油压spae security author上海荤场内容介绍ities spread out quickly investigate, compared pair of locks to decide guilty suspect Zhou Mou through video image, capture its. Via checking, the warning apparatus of guard against theft that Zhou Mou promotes is warning apparatus of stand-alone上海在哪儿可以泡洋妞 infrared ray, do not have couplet net function. Except Li Da’s Mom, he still fooled additionally 7 old people with same trick, bilk earning adds up to RMB 4700 yuan. Via growing to sue of peaceful area procuratorate, a few days ago, because Zhou Mou makes crime of fraud水磨90分钟是什么服务 be 上海南美水疗油压sentenced set term of imprisonment 6 months, punish golden RMB 100上海晚上男人娱乐场所0 yuan.