The 18th China (Shanghai) Bakery Exhibition 2018 of exhibition of bake of 2018 China International shows time: On May 14, 2018 – 16 days exhibit meeting site: Country of Shanghai rainbow b上海后花园论坛 2019年ridge can exhibit a center to postpone meeting introduction exhibition of bake of the 18th 2018 China, accumulative total postpones business 20 thousand, the major that comes from more than 100 countries and area buys a gin金山海尚会水疗seng to meet, current exhibit the guild with the most authoritative industry of meeting gather whole nation and media, volume product is revealed, purchase, commerce conjugate at an organic whole, had made trade of Chinese bake food annual cannot absent grand meeting. Exhibition of bake of the 18th 2018 China (abbreviation: Shanghai bake is exhibited) the industry that nots allow to miss as domain of food of Chinese area bake purchases grand meeting to already was in Shanghai to had held 10 several successfully, acc松江哪里有男士spaumulative total exhibits an area to exceed 100 thousand to make the same score rice, exhibit can attract in all come from the whole world food of thousands of bake co上海丝袜会所24小时mes to more 夜上海娱乐论坛than 40 countries and area before outstanding supplier ginseng exhibit with food of tens of 10 thousand domestic and international bake the major of the domain buys the home to visit the spot to look around purchase. Exhibited meeting the corresponding period to hold policy of food of bake of international imports and exports and legal laws and regulations to communicate meeting, international to cross condition report 上海普陀干磨店一览表Shang Feng forum of innovation of development 奉贤 桑拿 海湾of meal of label of meeting, import provision and wholesome standard seminar, characteris阿拉爱上海浦东新人验证皇后tic and food of bake of prize-giving meeting, China are tasted. Exhibit sea of meeting general above to rely on powerful China to consume market demand for the window, the bake that makes Asia-Pacific area force with all one’s strength feeds moral industry distinguished gat青浦澳京桑拿hering, exhibit conference plan to promote those who exhibit meeting dimensions, class and major to buy the home to invite substantially on original basis. Should exhibiting meeting general is company of food of bake of world each country trade of communication study, classics negotiates, business is extended, the rare opportunity that promotes a brand. We believe, bake of Shanghai of China Bakery Expo 2018 is exhibited be sure to exhibit an enterprise to bring more for ginseng of China and foreign countries results and bigger glad. Exhibition exceeds with hotel, business, shop of place of din阿拉爱上海靠谱吗ing-room, bar, cafe, meeting, business and other commerce space are target group, make bake p上海会所排名rovision technically one-stop the major that offers goods and solution is exhibited meeting, what will exhibit business to invite nearly 10 thousand to buy the home to join is one-stop purchase platform. Extend meeting advantage domestic and international support of many 100 media and participate in, propagandist density covers a range wide, density is big. Force of many guild bend supports, industry bibcock enterprise assist the industry distinguished gathering that handles support. 500 thousand when make full use of to be accumulated for years major watchs numerous database, organize domestic and international professional personage to look around; Ginseng exhibit limits food, cake, biscuit, cake, bisc上海水磨90分钟价格uit, meal to use Yuan Fucai makings, adornment and food acting treatment; Special grease, butter, special flour, mix beforehand products of pink, refrigerant dough, amylaceou上海 虹口 推油 2019s, potato; The moon cake such as stuffing makings, fruit makings, nutlet, preserved fruit, tinned fruit, cake complementary makings; Bake the equipment that bake and appliance, craft bakes bake deploy reach implemental, bake the product that bake and finished products; Food stuffing makings fries boiler, interlining pan; Automatic and metric package machine; Cookie production facilities, former complementary makings and pack etc; Moon cake is packed, stuffing makings, mould and manufacturing facilities; Reveal deposit and ark, cold storage ark, storefront to decorate; Flour reforms agent, biscuit reforms agent, cake reforms agent, convenient cover reforms agent, last the relevant additive agent for闵行区古美路spa food such as agent of agent, yeasty, flavor, e上海水磨拉丝机ssence, pigment, sweet taste; Food package machine; Facilities of production of hall of cake room, kitchen, Western-style food, coffee office, former complementary makings and things; Goods of dried meat floss, chocolate, the cake such as model of candy young, candle, emulation food decorates material; Machine of products of coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee machines equipment; Bake the technology that bake, books and periodicals, bake example orgnaization and the food equipment related its, implemental, tool reachs metallic sensor to wait. Audience category has the actual strength, agency that has sale network terminal, agent, cent to sell business, shopkeeper,